An Experience with Social Media Superstar

Khaby Lame

NO 1





Capitolium, Brescia, Italy

He stands for everything that gives us hope: he is young, has a sense of humour, a warm heart and a clear point of view. Khaby is living proof that destiny is something that can be challenged.

Khaby Lame, the social media superstar, came to Turin with his parents and four siblings when he was just a year old, leaving Senegal under poor circumstances. During the pandemic, he lost his job and moved back to his parents' folding bed in Chivasso. In March 2020, he uploaded his first videos to TikTok because he wanted to do something: something nice, something that makes people smile. The rest is TikTok history, and Khaby is the undisputed number one. His comedic talent, subtle perspective on everyday madness and open hands are his trademarks. Above all, he is both magical and adorable.

4 Questions
4 Answers

"I chose the language of gestures and expressions because they are universal"
"I worked in a factory, then, i was fired. And now? I am proof, that any goal can be achieved with passion and determination."